Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So as promised, you update about Sunday but just a brief post. :) I can only rmb that we went to the flyer for Michelle's church event. It started with ice breaking games, then performances and then the breakfast. She can play the guitar. sing and even compose her own song! So talented!

And after that was cabbed to Iluma for movies where me and Samantha caught Aliens in the attic while Shaohua, Yiling and Michelle with I Love You Beth Cooper. And after the movies was dinner at BenTen cafe. :)

Lazy to upload the rest. All is on facebook.

Had Career Seminar today and i can say that i only liked the Dedication Ceremony part. Sweet that we had gifts from our form teachers and prinicpal. Something small, but its the thought that counts. And feel kinda sad at the last part too..mixed feelings. And because of this day, had been searching for the outfit for both monday and tuesday. Haha.

Alright, shall upload the pictures another day because its all not with me. Need to sleep early today. Had not been doing so for the past two days.. Xoxo, will be back soon.